Endorsements for Abba's Heart

Many Christians want to follow Jesus faithfully and imitate Him in life… without knowing God the Father. Often their efforts lead to discouragement and the awareness that something essential is missing in their relationship with God. Jesus came that we might enter a relationship with God as “our Father.” The purpose of this book is to invite every person into a relationship with the Father through the Son. Abba’s Heart will take the reader on a journey that begins with the universal experience of loss and emptiness and ends in the knowledge and experience of life as a son or daughter of God. Along the way, readers will reflect on their own experience of loss because of sin. They will see how Jesus fully revealed the Father. They will envision God’s redemptive plan of adoption in Christ and the authority they possess to become sons and daughters of the Father. As every person discovers the love of the Father, he or she finds true freedom.


“This is the kind of book everyone searching for God should read: clear in its writing, simple in its message, strong in its appeal. The Lozanos have written a powerful invitation to know God as our father; to experience his fatherly love; and to witness that love to others in our everyday lives. And they’ve done it all with uncommon substance and skill.”

-CHARLES J. CHAPUT, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Philadelphia

“Neal and Matt Lozano’s new book, Abba’s Heart is a wonderful, enlightening, and moving book. I loved it. I was in tears. I was in joy, I felt His visitation – His presence as I was reading. I recommend Abba’s Heart to all Christians. It is not difficult to read, but it is not light reading, there is gold in these pages. It will bless not only those with a distorted understanding of God, especially as Father, but also those who have a good understanding of God. The Father comes to us with the Son in the Holy Spirit as we read these pages. Just as Jesus said that He and the Father were coming to us and would be in us via the Holy Spirit reading Abba’s Heart helps to facilitate this reality. Buy it and read it, and then read it again and again!! What better person to write such a book. I have known Neal now for almost 21 years, and for the book to be written by a Father – Son team is even all the better.”

-RANDY CLARK, D.Min., Founder of Global Awakening

“This book is a gift to this generation. Deep emotional healing flows from the experience of reading these pages. This is not an abstract text about God, rather it is a journey of discovery about the way God feels about His children. You will encounter His love personally. This understanding will be foundational for a totally new level of wholeness and joy.”

-JOHN DAWSON, President Emeritus, Youth With A Mission

“The fruit of a lifetime spent in the presence of the Father and immersed in the Scriptures. Read Abba’s Heart. It is Trinitarian theology in 3D.”

-FR. JAMES MALLON, pastor of Saint Benedict Parish, Halifax, N.S., author of Divine Renovation, Moving your Parish from Maintenance to Mission.

“Abba’s Heart is filled with the kind of insight that cannot come from any amount of study or learning, but only from a lived relationship with God the Father. This is a book for those who feel empty, lonely, or thirsty, and for those who already know God but want to draw nearer to his heart. It would be impossible to read this book and not fall more deeply in love with God.”

– MARY HEALY, Sacred Heart Major Seminary

“Neal and Matt Lozano, father and son, are helping thousands all over the world experience the healing, love and freedom that comes from a growing relationship with the Father. Now you can too with this prayerful, gentle, loving,book.”

-RALPH MARTIN, S.T.D., Director Graduate Theology Programs in the New Evangelization, Sacred Heart Major Seminary Archdiocese of Detroit

“As a friend and nearby colleague of Neal Lozano, I love the match between what Neal writes and how he lives and ministers. Neal is the real deal! God has used this book (as well as previous writings) to tenderize my heart to the Father and strengthen my freedom as a son.”

-STEVE WEED, Senior Pastor, Narberth Presbyterian Church

