New Book! Unbound Unpacked: The Exorcising Task of the Believer

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An Interview with Neal Lozano

Jesus is the gift of the Father, the very Heart of the Father revealed. I experienced being filled with the Holy Spirit when I encountered Jesus in January of 1970. In 1973 I co-founded a Christian community called the House of God’s Light, which I led for forty years. 

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Endorsements for Abba's Heart

Many Christians want to follow Jesus faithfully and imitate Him in life… without knowing God the Father. Often their efforts lead to discouragement and the awareness that something essential is missing in their relationship with God. Jesus came that we might enter a relationship with God as “our Father.”

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Blessed of the Father

In early September, Neal and Janet led a conference in Newark, New Jersey where they ministered to twenty-one Sisters of the Missionaries of Charity.

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Open Doors

We are witnessing the open door both overseas and at home, both in the Catholic church and beyond.

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